Crossroads – A Personal Blog Post

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Stuck at a Crossroads

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

I think I’m stuck at a crossroads. I’ve been trying to pick myself up but it gets hard sometimes. I don’t know why I can’t seem to just grasp on to my faith and keep going. The one thing I don’t want to become is a mediocre Christian. I don’t want to be a Christian that just goes to church on Sundays. That’s not a trap I want to fall into. I want to be a Christian that’s on fire for God. Circumstances get overwhelming, problems seem big and tiring, some things are just hard to deal with. It hasn’t been easy.

I’ve read about how it’s good to “be yourself.” I hope that this post helps achieve that. There’s always a conflict within us. Well, that’s me personally speaking, but the Bible does confirm this conflict. The conflict between the flesh and the Spirit and how these two are always warring against each other and can never get along (Galatians 5:17). What a conflict that is. Your flesh desires worldly things while the Spirit desires heavenly things. The one we feed the most will be the one that thrives in our lives.

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I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t been feeding my Spirit like I should. I haven’t been praying or seeking God like I should. And I know that there’s no one to blame but myself. Because it’s one thing to wait on God to do a work while praying and seeking Him, but it’s another thing to wait on Him while not doing anything. I’ve said my prayers, read my Bible here and there but nothing fervent.

No good for us outside of God

This is something that I want to change. And the fact that I’m putting myself out there like this makes my current situation an open book. Life without God isn’t life at all. It’s times like these that you can literally experience the Word when it says “I have no good besides You.” Sometimes through personal experiences we come to understand the Word. You can be having an excellent time but it’s through the low’s that we realize that there really isn’t any good for us outside of God.

I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You.” – Psalm 16:2

Mediocrity is something I don’t want in my life. How many lukewarm Christians are there? Church becomes a routine. You’re only a Christian at church but outside you’re cold. It’s not something that I desire and I know that I can do my part in changing that. My only prayer to God is for mercy and help. Because in the end it’s He who gives the growth. And who are we to tell God otherwise.

Life gets better

I just felt like sharing this because writing is an escape and I can also be transparent with my readers. I know that God can do great things but I’m slacking and not doing things the right way. We can’t wallow in our problems all day long and eventually we have to get back up and dust ourselves off. I think all of us have our own problems and I know that the best way to deal with those problems is by bringing them to God.

My life’s not perfect, far from it. I have my imperfections, and areas that I need help in. I can only speak for myself but I know that I’m not perfect. The more I experience the more I realize that I’m pretty small compared to God. I need God, we all need God. I hope that you have a blessed rest of your day! Even though I’m going through an unpleasant time I know that things are going to get better. So thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to follow along for the ride.

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