Lecture – Daily Thought

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What is a lecture?

Lecture. When I think of the word lecture I think about teachers teaching their students. Lecture implies knowledge and authority. To give a lecture the person has to be sure about whatever they’re teaching. If I connect this word with the Christian faith I can envision men of God and Jesus Himself giving lectures. But more than a lecture, which in my opinion is given more generally to all listeners, God speaks directly to each listener.

God speaks directly to His listeners

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When God teaches us it’s amazing how the word is directly for us and in this case for you and me. What do I mean by this? When God speaks a word He’s not expecting you to sit there and say, “Oh, that word isn’t for me it’s probably for the person next to me.” When God speaks the word is directly for you. God is a hands on teacher. He gets close to you and whatever He teaches He helps you understand.

I think that’s the beauty of God. God isn’t just speaking to a general audience expecting them to understand His “lecture.” God speaks directly to the individual and makes them feel special and wanted. And if we ask the teacher to help us understand and to help us do the work, He’s more than willing to help. His word says;

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. – John 6:37

Thank you for reading

I hope you have a great rest of your day! No one is perfect but we have a perfect God. And everyday, regardless of yesterdays ups and downs, is a good day to seek God because only He can satisfy us.

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via Daily Prompt: Lecture