God’s Faithfulness – Monday Morning Thoughts

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Believing that God has been faithful

The Bible tells us that God is not a man to lie, nor a son of man to repent (Numbers 23:19). What God promises, He will fulfill. I think it’s important for us to be reminded of God’s faithfulness. I think it’s fair to say that if you’re reading this you’re alive and breathing. Otherwise I’d say there’s something wrong here. But me writing this and you reading this let’s me know that we’re alive and breathing. And that means that regardless of our circumstances God remembered us today otherwise we wouldn’t have woken up.

Humanity is fallen and that includes us. The minute we come into this world we are introduced to a fallen world far away from what God intended it to be. Jesus Christ, however, came to rectify that. And through His blood our sins are forgiven and we have access to God. No longer are the temples and sacrifices of yesteryear necessary. Jesus Christ paid a price in full. Our sins of today, yesterday, and tomorrow have been forgiven. I’m never justifying sinning but it’s important to know that what Jesus did on the cross more than two thousand years ago is as fresh today as it was back then.

black and white, black and white photography, smiling person, happy person, joyful, b&w

Seeing God’s faithfulness every day

God’s faithfulness in our lives can be seen the minute we open our eyes. Some people didn’t open their eyes today. Perhaps their last day on earth has come and gone. Yet, here we are alive and breathing. I think that’s reason enough for us to rejoice and understand that whenever we wake up there’s new mercy and new opportunities.

God’s faithfulness has brought us this far. How many people have failed us in life? Now can we count how many times God has failed us? Not once and if He has failed you let me know on the comment section. God didn’t promise us a problem-free life. But He did say that He would be with us all the days of our lives. Life will never be perfect, at least not until we’re in heaven. But while we roam this earth as foreigners we can be comforted by God’s promises.

Remembering that God has been good

It’s important for us to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and to reflect on how far we’ve come because of Him. I don’t know you’re background or what you’re going through but if you’re alive today that means God remembered you and still has a purpose with your life. With that being said, today is a good day to restart. Let’s put everything in God’s hands and continue persevering. The Bible says that only those that persevere until the the end, those will be saved. So don’t give up!

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. – Matthew 24:13

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