Astonish – Monday Thoughts

Astonished, Creation, Amazing Scenery, Beautiful Scenery, Beautiful Photography, Revival in Christ

When I think about the word “astonish” I think about the astonishing feeling we get when we contemplate God’s grace. How many of us haven’t gone through difficult times and looked back to see how it was God that got us through it? Or maybe you just wake up and are astonished at the fact that you’re alive because God thought about you. There’s so many more examples that come to mind but with astonishment is one way we can look at God’s greatness.

God chose us

God chose us for great things and He loves us with an everlasting love. Everyday that passes with every situation we go through we come to realize that we honestly cannot comprehend God’s love for us. As humans our patience has limits and so does God but His is ever so great. We might meet a person, become friends, and when that person hurts us we’ll forget about them. We may forgive them once or twice, but pretty soon we’ll give them our back. God on the other is patient with us. We fail Him daily but He’s always willing to give us a helping hand. We might feel rejected and hurt by others but God reminds us that He’s right by our side and will never leave us. In our joys God rejoices with us and in our sorrows God mourns with us. God is our faithful friend and His faithfulness is astonishing.

God’s Grace and Mercy

Revival in Christ, the cross, Jesus Cross, Jesus on the cross, crown of thorns, crucifixion, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Revival, Photo of the Cross

More than two thousand years ago Jesus Christ came to this world to save sinners. You and I were destined to eternal hell with no way out. Our chains of slavery were burdensome and weighed us down. But Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. – 1 John 3:8

Jesus Christ took our sins upon Him and He who knew no sin became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). Our failures, our sins, our past, our punishment was placed upon Him. That’s why it says in Isaiah 53:10 that, “it pleased the Lord to bruise him.” Jesus took our punishment and so when we have Jesus the Father looks at His righteousness over us. It’s not because of what we did but because of what He did. It was because of God’s great love for you and me that we can look at Him with astonishment today.

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via Daily Prompt: Astonish