Believing in a Promise

Revival in Christ, faith, fireworks, flames, smoke, smoke photography, revival, avivamiento, georgia, atlanta

Good afternoon! Thanks for stopping by Revival in Christ. I hope you’re having a great day. It’s been several weeks since I’ve written something on here and I apologize for the lack of content. It’s been a hard couple months after dealing with personal issues. But there’s always that lingering faith that remains and at the end of the day that’s something that God takes credit for. Faith is something that is clearly given to us by God so to sit here and realize that regardless of how bad things are we can still have a flame burning in us reminds me that God is good. And I wanted to touch on something that requires faith and that’s believing in a promise.

Revival in Christ, Bible, revival, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Christ, Black and White Photography, Christian photography, God, Holy Spirit

I’ve never wanted to come off as the seemingly “perfect” Christian. Because, Lord know’s I’m not perfect. And I can easily look at myself and realize that I’m not perfect. But if there’s anything I can latch on to is the fact that God is still good. And this is very hard to believe in when times are rough. Let’s say you’re going through problems, you’ve wandered into a sinful life, and/or you’re just simply disconnected with God. Situations like this push us away from God and makes it hard for us to see His goodness. But it’s faith that instills in us that even in the bad times, God is good.

It’s important that we declare the word over our lives. For example this morning I was at another location for work and before I came back to my regular location I took a moment to pray and read a few Psalms. I haven’t been feeling all too well lately but faith tells me, “Pray, read the word, but do something because God is still there.” So that’s what I did. And this isn’t to pat myself on the back but to just encourage us us to believe in God’s word even in the worst of times.

Tell your yourself that God’s word is truth. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). So if that’s the case that means that everything outside of what God says is a lie. If God tells you that He has good plans for your life but then you hear another voice telling you the opposite, you have to disregard the latter and go with what God has spoken. His word is truth regardless of your circumstances.

The other day a though came to mind about faith. If you’re looking at this text then you have sight. Sight is one of our most essential senses. And sight gives us a sense of control and knowing where we are. For example, if I’m walking and notice with my eyes that there are certain things blocking a pathway I can easily take another route. Somehow having this knowledge gives us a sense of being in control of where we’re going. But faith disconnects us from our sight.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1

When we think about it we’re dependent on what we see. It gives us comfort. So what happens when we don’t see? There can be a sense of fear of the unknown. But that’s what faith is; believing in a promise in not in what you see.

I want to finish by saying God is good. And a couple things can back this claim up even if you find yourself in a rough patch in life. First; you’re alive! If you’ve read this far than obviously you’re alive and breathing. The Bible says that if you have breath there’s still hope. Secondly, the Bible tells us that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). So if you woke up this morning that means there’s still hope and regardless of your circumstances His mercy is new every morning. Let’s make an effort to leave the things that hold us back behind us and look towards Christ with hope knowing that He is full of mercy. Don’t give up! You’re still in the race.

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