Adopting God’s Will for Our Lives

Revival in Christ, father and son, father and child, trusting God, trusting the Father, believe in God, christian revival, christian blog, christian blogger, roswell ga, atlanta, revival

During my lunch break today I decided to listen to a sermon. The preacher reiterated how Jesus said that not all who call Him Lord will be saved, but those that do the will of the Father. This instantly spoke to me because of its severity. I think all of us who believe in God want to do His will. But why is is so hard at times to apply it to our lives? I for one struggle with sharing Jesus with others. It’s something that I want to overcome and I know that it requires effort on my behalf. Each day is a new opportunity from God to do His will. One of the truths I cherish is found in 1 John 1:9.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9

The time and place doesn’t matter. It could be 8 o’clock in the morning, 3 o’clock in the afternoon, or midnight but the Bible tells us that we can come to God and ask Him for forgiveness and He’ll forgive us. That’s a wonderful promise from God. The important thing is to make a personal effort, along with His help, to leave the sin He forgave you for. Once we come to Christ, God forgives us but He wants us to adopt His will for our lives.

God’s Desire is That We do His Will

Revival in Christ, father and son, father and child, trusting God, trusting the Father, believe in God, christian revival, christian blog, christian blogger, roswell ga, atlanta, revival

God wants every aspect of our lives to align itself to His will. It’s not the other way around. God doesn’t need to align Himself with our will but ours to His. It’s not easy but we can start today by simply coming to God with a sincere heart and asking for His help. The Bible talks about a man who had a possessed son and he implored Jesus for help.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. – Mark 9:23-24

Notice what the father said to Jesus, “I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” This man openly told Jesus that a part of him believes, but that there’s another part of him that doesn’t believe. “Help thou mine unbelief.” This is comforting because it lets us know that it’s OK to be honest with God about everything. If there’s doubt in our heart we can be honest about it. If there’s part of us that believes but another part of us finds it hard to believe you can be open about it with God. His word says that He doesn’t cast out those that come to Him.

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. – John 6:37

It’s OK to be Honest with God.. God Wants That

It’s OK to be honest with God about everything including our shortcomings. Sometimes we fall into the erroneous belief that we have to feel right or be right with God for Him to hear us. My Bible tells me that there is only One mediator between man and God and His name is Jesus Christ. In other words God doesn’t listen to us because of our merits or because of how good we are. God listens to us because of what Jesus did on the cross more than two thousand years ago. God doesn’t listen to us because we’re good Christians. Gd listens to us because Jesus is perfect. Thank God for Jesus.

When we come to God with this confidence we can be open with Him about every aspect of our lives. When we have children we don’t expect them to come to us pretending to have everything right when they don’t. We want our kids to be open with us and we encourage them to be. That’s what God wants from us; openness. If we have difficulty applying God’s will into our lives we can ask Him for help.

Just like that man approached Jesus with honesty we can approach Him with the same honesty. If we’re struggling with certain areas in our live let’s ask Him for help. Each day is a reminder of God’s grace and mercy. Each day we can strive to adopt His will in our lives. If we’re struggling to understand His will we can read the Word and ask Him to align our will with His. Sometimes it’ll mean sacrificing certain things. But if we place our faith in Jesus everything will work out just fine.

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