Remembering that God is Good

Revival in Christ, God is good, God's faithfulness, God's goodness, Reflecting, Reflection, Meditating on God's Word, Roswell GA, Atlanta, Atlanta church, Roswell GA Church, Palabra de Fe, Word of Faith, Palabra de Fe Atlanta, Revival, Christian Blog, Truth

God is good. Three words that have so much meaning. Today at church they played this song and it impacted me. It’s easy to get caught up in life’s rush. But while in worship I was reminded of just how good God is. Just like he’s been good to me, I know that He has been good to you.

I’m sure that you have been through your fair share of tribulations. Life isn’t perfect. As humans we face all sorts of adversity in. But through it all we’re still here. God is good. We might have problems and hardships but look around. You’re alive. You might be blessed with health, family, friends, a job, and more. God is good.

Each one of us has a story. I don’t think anyone’s life has been perfect since coming to Christ. Problems are still there. Temptations are still there. And without justifying our falls, we sometimes fail God. It’s reality. Jesus Himself said that in this world you will have tribulation, but to take courage, He has overcome the world. In other words Jesus lets us know that we’re bound to have hardships but to always place our confidence in Him.

I love this song because it caused me to reflect on those hardships and difficult times in life. I’m sure others have suffered way more than I have and I understand that. But each of us live and deal with issues that might be big to us but smaller to others or vice versa. They are hardships nonetheless. When we look back at those moments and realize that we survived we can look at God and say, “You are good.”

God doesn’t fail us. Like the song says, “You’re never going to let me down.” Unfortunately we’re the ones that oftentimes fail God. He remains faithful. He paid a price for our souls that I don’t think we’ll ever be able to grasp its magnitude. We all fall short of the glory of God. But just look at how good God has been. He’s been faithful to this day.

I’m grateful because God really hasn’t finished His work. sometimes we feel like God is done or that He’s given up. But He’s still working in you and in me. Don’t give up hope. Look at Christ and His faithfulness. If we can try and visualize Jesus on that cross. His blood dripping from His body. His agony. His arms and feet nailed to that cross. Yet He never came down. He stayed on it and paid a price because He loves us. God is good.

I hope that whoever reads this post and listens to the song can be reminded of how good God is. Through good and bad He’s still with you. In your lowest of moments He still cares about you. He’s still willing to forgive. He’s still willing to help you, because He loves you. Don’t give up on God because He hasn’t given up on you.

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