Recognizing Distractions and Getting Rid of Them

Good morning!I hope you’re having a great day. I’ve been struggling to write something new. I don’t think it’s necessarily writer’s block but more so a hesitation to open up. Christian lives aren’t meant to be perfect and they never were. Unfortunately, when life isn’t exactly where you want it, it’s hard to be joyful about your circumstances. That’s kind of where I find myself today. I haven’t disconnected myself from God, but at the same time I don’t have a fulfilling relationship with Him. It’s difficult because when you distance yourself you realize nothing truly satisfies you like Christ. There’s no lack of distractions in life and I think it takes a decisive attitude to say, “I’m going to cut this or that out because it’s become too much of a distraction.”

Decisions, good and bad, deciding, choices

At some point you start to realize that certain things aren’t working for you anymore. It doesn’t always have to be a particular sin, but a simple hobby that has taken more and more of your time, is enough to be considered a distraction and impediment to your Christian life. Take for example my own personal life. I can honestly say that I’m a fan of pro wrestling and boxing. Both of these are two past times I thoroughly enjoy. But as of late they have taken a greater part of my day and I’ve begun to notice the changes. The Bible says that there’s a time for everything so right now I’m not going to jump into the debate of whether watching sports is right or wrong. But I do understand that there is a time for everything.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Each one of us is in a personal walk with God and thus we have very personal experiences. I’m not going to focus my time on nitpicking our lives because we might simply be at different stages of our walk with God. But what I want to focus on is that regardless of where we find ourselves in, God is still faithful. God’s promise continues to work. We might find ourselves in our highest peak or we might be in our lowest of valleys. Wherever you find yourself in, God is still working. The Bible says that if God is for us, who can be against us.

If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. – 2 Timothy 2:13

Distractions are just that; distractions. But there comes a time when we have to start making decisions that may even make us uncomfortable. Some of those decisions might be sacrifices that hurt us. But they’re necessary because when we analyze our lives and realize we’re not as close to God as we used to be, it’s time to make changes. For example I’ve shared a couple of my hobbies which include watching pro wrestling and boxing. There’s a wrestling promotion in Japan that has a subscription based network to watch their content. I also want to read more and have Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited. I cancelled the wrestling subscription and am going to cancel the Kindle one because I prefer paper to begin with. But for me personally, those are just a couple distractions that I had to get rid of.

There’s always distractions in our lives. Some of them are fine in moderation while others are hurtful to our walk with Christ. Our journey with God is one in which we can thank God for the immense amount of mercy He shows us. God is patient with us unlike strict managers at work. He’s loving and understanding unlike anyone else. If we’ve made it this far and have been able to learn along the way, it’s because God has been good to us. As long as we have breath in our lungs, there is hope. I think it’s a good idea to begin asking God to help us get rid of distractions that aren’t helping us. That way our focus on other things can be transferred to God. As a result our lives will surely get better. I’m not perfect, but God is. Every day is a new opportunity to strive towards the goal that is Jesus Christ.

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