Set a Fire (Song of the Day)

Revival in Christ, Set a Fire, Song of the Day, Christian Music, Worship Music, Prayer Music, Prayer Instrumentals, Prayer Instrumental, Worship, Revival, Palabra De Fe Atlanta, Palabra De Fe, Revolution Youth

A life without God seems very empty and unsatisfying. The effects are made even stronger when you have already experimented His love, but for one reason or another you have distanced yourself from God. It’s not a good feeling. But thankfully God’s mercy and patience is far greater than our mistakes. God’s arms are wide open to receive anyone that comes to Him with a sincere heart. The Bible says that God doesn’t reject anyone who comes to Him.

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. – John 6:37

Imagine knocking on a door and someone opening it. You ask them for help and they shut it right in your face. That’s a terrible feeling. I’d feel bad if it ever happened to me. But God isn’t like that. When we knock on God’s door, He opens it and He welcomes us in. God never rejects someone that comes to Him. His love is unconditional and He loves us even when others don’t.

Revival in Christ, Knocking on Door, Knocking, Door, Brown Door, Knocking on Brown Door, Hand Knocking on Door, Faith

The beauty about God is that He wants to reveal Himself to us and He already has. Jesus Christ was and is God’s physical manifestation. God looked at us from heaven and saw us wandering aimlessly like ants. He didn’t have to come down. He’s in heaven, on His throne, with angels praising Him in eternity. Yet He took mercy on us and He became a human being so that we could know Him personally.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. – John 1:1,14

God wants to reveal Himself to us. Sometimes we allow the world to distract us. We neglect the things of God and we get disconnected. I know how it is because I’ve gone through it. But God is constantly giving us a new opportunity. God’s desire is for no one to get lost. The Bible says that if we hear His voice today, to not harden our hearts. We may not become a spiritual warrior overnight. We may not become a man or woman of God overnight. But that’s the least of things. What God wants is a willing heart. When we begin to ask God, “I want more of You, God,” He begins to work. Remember what Jesus told His disciples;

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. – Luke 18:27

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