My Father Loves Me

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I hope you’re having a great day. I wanted to share this song with all of my Spanish speakers. It’s a great song that has really ministered to my life. It reminds me of God’s Fatherly love. When we fail God sometimes we’re harder on ourselves than He is on us. I think it’s important to take a step back sometimes and compare how we are with our younger loved ones and how we picture God being with us.

How do We Love our Children?

As a father I love my son. I constantly want to show him affection. I always want to remind him that I love him and that I care about him. When he messes up I get upset but I try to talk to him and understand him. On rare occasion, when he simply won’t listen, I might spank him, (I know that may not be as common in today’s world) but it’s rare. I show mercy on my son because I love him and I don’t want to hurt him or his feelings. I love my son. I want him to become a better man than me.

I’m not the best father in the world. I mess up sometimes and I’m always learning and trying to correct my mistakes. But one thing I do know is that I love my son. When it comes to our relationship with God, however, we sometimes think he treats us differently than we treat those we love. I don’t think anyone who loves their kids actually wants to do harm to them. I think even when they’re bad we’re compassionate towards them. We correct them but we do it with grace, wisdom, and mercy. God is like that too.

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Jesus asked His disciples who would give their child a stones if they asked for bread and who would give them poison if they asked for water? I don’t think we have to wait and reflect on the answer. If our children were to ask us for a good meal none of us would give them rocks and dirt. Now, Jesus said, if we who are evil know how to give good things to our children, how much more will our heavenly Father who is perfect not give us?

Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? – Matthew 7:9-11

How Does God Love Us?

Our perception of God is sometimes distorted because we forget the essential nature of God and how our relationship with Him all boils down to love. The law is there and it is important. Rules and conduct are important. But at the end of the day the number one thing that matters is love and communion with God. In 1 Corinthians 13 it says that we can do it all, but if we don’t have love we have nothing.

God isn’t a random figure sitting in heaven on His throne observing us and waiting to punish us when we fail Him. He actually came down from His throne and humbled Himself on a cross to demonstrate His love toward us. God desires a relationship with us the same way we desire a relationship with our children. If we, are evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our heavenly Father do for us?

God’s Desire is to Have a Relationship

We can all acknowledge that we’re not perfect. We all make mistakes. Yet, even with our shortcomings, we still have the capacity to love. Now God, who is perfect and without blemish, how much more does He not love us? God is a good Father and He loves us. When we stumble, He corrects us with with grace and mercy. When we feel afflicted, He comforts us. When we’re hard headed, He’ll be firm with us, but it’s all out of love because God’s desire is to have a relationship with you and I.

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