Overcoming our Giants – Revolución TV (Episode 4)

Revolucion TV, Revolution TV, Revolucionando Tu Noche, Revolutionizing Your Night, Christian Talk Show, Facebook Live, FB LIve, Venciendo tus gigantes, Conquering your giants, revival, avivamiento, gilberto torres jr, junior torres, juniortorres720, fernando contreras, lynnette estrada, cristian olvera, erika patino, melisa casanova

Hello! This is the fourth installment to Revolucionando Tu Noche (Revolutionizing Your Night) on Revolución TV (Revolution TV). We spoke about the giants that we encounter in our generation today. These include various things like alcohol, drugs, pornography, fear, and more. When we speak about giants in the spiritual we’re talking about things that seem impossible to overcome. But in the Bible we find a clear example of how God can give us the victory over our giants.

Revolucion TV, Revival in Christ, Revolution TV, Revolucionando Tu Noche, Revolutionizing Your Night, Christian TV Show, Gilberto Torres Jr, Junior Torres, Fernando Contreras, Cristian Olvera, Melisa Casanova, Erika Patino

In 1 Samuel 17 we read about an army of the Philistines that approached Israel. A giant named Goliath came out from among them and he instilled fear in all of Israel even the king! It says that Saul was terrified along with all of the Israelites. Here was a giant that was challenging them to a fight. Whoever dared to step up, the giant said if the Israelite won then the Philistines would become their slaves. But if Goliath won, then all of Israel would become the slaves of the Philistines. Fear paralyzed God’s people. They cowered in fear.

But suddenly David came along. David was a young Shepard and he heard the insults that Goliath was hurling at the Israelite’s. He saw the fear that he had put in God’s people. Instead of letting himself be intimidated by the giant, it says that he stepped up to the challenge. He would fight Goliath because he was mad at how he insulted God and His people

Revival in Christ, David vs Goliath, David Bible, Goliath, David vs Goliath Painting, Bible Art, Giants, Giant, Goliath Giant, Fearless, Overcoming Fear, Roswell GA, Atlanta, Palabra De Fe Atlanta, Palabra De Fe, Revival, Avivamiento

Eventually David would conquer the giant without any armour or weapons of war. David had a slingshot and five stones. He only needed one to bring the giant down to size. When he knocked Goliath out with the stone it says that he got his sword and he cut his head off. Any possibilities of the giant getting up again were destroyed. But it wasn’t David nor the rock that conquered the giant. It was God’s Spirit that moved through David. David simply had faith in his God and he assumed the authority that God had given him.

Today God wants to remind us that He hasn’t changed. The same God that gave David the victory over Goliath is the same God that today gives you and I the victory over our giants. The Bible says that what’s impossible for men is possible with God. Nothing is impossible. The giants that we encounter in life are not bigger than God. Instead of focusing on the size of our giants, let’s focus on the greatness of our God. When we begin to focus on God and what makes Him great, He gives us the victory over our giants.

Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. – 1 Samuel 17:45

Remember to follow Revolución TV (Revolution TV) on our social media platforms; Facebook & Instagram. Tune in every Thursday at 8:00 PM for all the great excitement. We have a great time, but most importantly we touch on relevant topics that impact our generation today.

Episode 4: Conquering Your Giants

(Click here if you missed episode 3)

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