The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. – Psalm 34:7
Psalm 34:7 gives us a comforting word. It says that the angel of the Lord encompasses around those that fear Him and He delivers them or in other translations it says that He defends them. God is a sovereign being, meaning He is not dictated by elements outside of Him. Like a nation that is sovereign and operates according to its will, so does God operate according to His will as a sovereign being. Nothing or no one can dictate God. He does as He as pleases. The good news is that He is a good sovereign God.
God’s Sovereignty Should Comfort Us
God’s sovereignty should bring comfort to our hearts because it means that circumstances don’t change who He is. Another passage from the Bible says that God is the same from today, yesterday, and forever. God is unchanging and that’s good news for us. His word remains firm which means Psalm 34:7 is as true today as it was when it was first written. The angel of the Lord encompasses around those that fear Him, and He defends them.
For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. – Malachi 3:6
God is in control of your life. Regardless of your circumstances God is in control. The size of your trials and problems are minuscule before an Almighty God. You can trust in God’s protection. God’s protection is greater than any army or security brigade. He is quick to save and mighty to protect. That’s why we shouldn’t fear.
Trusting in God’s Security
Whatever circumstance you’re facing today, don’t fear! Place your trust and confidence in God’s word. He says that you are protected. That His angel is around you. No weapon forged against you shall prosper because God is with you. Like the Israelite’s door posts which had the blood of a lamb, our lives are covered with the blood of Christ. So take courage and keep moving forward. God has great plans with your life and He’s not done.
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