God Will Prosper What You Do

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. – Psalm 1:3

God will prosper whatever you do. Watch this past Sunday’s preaching by Pastor Fernando Contreras at Word of Faith. God will prosper what you do. As children of God sometimes, and I’m speaking personally, we forget who we are. Not only that, but we forget who we have. The Bible says that all the gold and silver belongs to God. If our Father is a King, surely He would want us to delight in His riches.

I thought about it last night and it came to my mind this way. Suppose you have a father that is able to afford a luxury meal. It’s fancy, top notch food. Would that father enjoy that food and then give the son a Happy Meal from McDonald’s? I don’t think so. I think any good father would invite their child to partake in the luxury meal they’re having. Jesus’ words ring true here. If we, who are evil, know how to give good things to our children, how much more will our heavenly Father not give us?

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? – Matthew 7:11

Revival in Christ, father and son, father and child, trusting God, trusting the Father, believe in God, christian revival, christian blog, christian blogger, roswell ga, atlanta, revival

We Were Created to Succeed

The people of the world are succeeding in life. I’m talking about physical success and prosperity. I’m not saying this is more important above a relationship with God. You can be in need or have an abundance of wealth, but without God you’re still nothing. But, what I’m talking about is when you have a relationship with God, we should understand that our Father also wants us to be successful.

Secular people who don’t believe in God and are doing things that go against His word are enjoying success and prosperity. But why aren’t we enjoying the same level of success if not more? At the end of the day God decides what He wants to give us. But we should also have the faith that God doesn’t want His children to live in misery.

If the people of the world are finding success and prosperity without serving God, shouldn’t we, who serve God, have more confidence to strive for more? God has already blessed us. God has given us salvation in Jesus Christ. We’ve enjoyed the riches of his grace and mercy. God has also given us talents and gifts. He doesn’t want us to hide them, but those are the tools, the methods, that God has given us to strive for more.

God Wants Us to Use the Gifts He Has Given Us

God’s gifts and talents are not meant for keeps. They’re not meant to be hidden. They’re meant to be put into practice. Through those gifts and talents we’ll not only reach souls for Christ but we will also find success on earth. Is success and prosperity more important than winning souls for Christ? Of course not. But I think we have to open our minds to the fact that we’re children of a King and that we were created for great things. We need to have a kingdom mentality. Just like it is in heaven, let it be done here on earth.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. – Matthew 6:10

God Equips the Unprepared

I want to close out with this and it’s part of what Pastor Fernando Contreras preached about. When God called Nehemiah to reconstruct the fallen walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah wasn’t prepared. He wasn’t a builder. His job was to help the king. His career wasn’t in construction nor was it something he knew how to do. But that didn’t matter because God had called him. When God calls, He equips. God isn’t looking at your skills and knowledge on how to do something. All He’s looking for is a willing heart.

The walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed for over 100 years. Nehemiah, who wasn’t a builder, worked diligently with the people to reconstruct it in 52 days. Nothing is impossible for God. If you feel like you’re not equipped to do something, don’t worry. When God calls you, He’ll equip you and He’ll make your way prosperous.

One major correction I want to make is that the person that came to give Nehemiah the message to rebuild the walls wasn’t Hachaliah, it was actually Hanani. Hachaliah was Nehemiah’s father. Sorry about the mistake, I’m trying to get better at translating.

“Everything You Do, God will Make It Prosper” – Pastor Fernando Contreras

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