Depending on God’s Good Plans for Us

Revival in Christ, dependence on God, God has good plans, christian blog

Good morning! Thanks to God I was able to visit Puerto Rico last week and I had a great time! Honestly, I didn’t want to come back. But, I’m happy to be back home and I’m excited about getting back to work. I’ll be sharing some moments from my experience in the coming weeks. There’s so many photos and videos that I have to go over. God also taught or reminded me of some things that may seem small but they’re things that remind me of God’s greatness and love. Today, however, I just wanted to remind you that God is good and His mercy is everlasting.

There’s Reason to be Joyful and Hopeful

Each day we wake up is a reason to thank God. Many people didn’t wake up today. For some, yesterday was their last day on earth. For whatever reason they’re not here anymore. But, you and I are still here and that means there’s still hope. God has plans with our lives. The Bible says that before we were even born, God already knew us. Before our parents met, God already knew us! That’s a pretty amazing thought when you think about it.

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. – Jeremiah 1:5

God knew us before we were born. But it gets even better. The Bible says that God has plans for us. It reminds me about our trip to Puerto Rico. We planned it out and when we got there we made plans on what to do and which places to go to. We made plans to do something. Now God has plans for you and I. He literally took His time to write out a plan for you and I. You and I are valuable to God. How many people take time out of their day to write out plans for us? The plans that God has written out for you and I, the Bible says, are good.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. – Jeremiah 29:11

God has plans for us, but not just any plans; good plans. As children of God we have everything going for us. With this I’m not trying to promise you a problem free life. On the contrary you might experience even more problems as a Christian. But one thing I do know is that God’s promises are faithful and true. God’s good plans for our lives will be fulfilled. All God wants from us is faith and trust in Him.

God Wants us to Depend on Him

Revival in Christ, faith in God, Peter walking over water, dependence on God, Christian blog

Peter had faith in Jesus when he dared to climb out of the boat and walked towards Jesus over the waters. David had faith in God when he stood up to Goliath and conquered him. God wants us to have the same faith in Him. One thing that came to my mind on the way back from Puerto Rico was this; to depend on God can be a scary thing. What do I mean by that? We’re so used to depending on ourselves especially as adults. If we’re scared of heights we’ll back away to avoid danger and to feel protected. If we’re scared of drowning in the ocean we’ll stay closer to the shore to feel safe. A lot of times we’re like this in our spiritual lives.

We’re scared to trust God because He’s inviting us to stop depending on ourselves and instead to depend on Him. Depending on someone else was easy as a child. Perhaps that’s why the Bible tells us to have a childlike faith. As children we’d latch on to our parents because they made us feel safe. As adults we oftentimes depend on ourselves to feel safe. But God wants us to depend on Him and to believe that His plans for our lives are good plans.


None of us are perfect, but God is. If you’re alive today it’s because remembered you. The most we can do is to remember God in our daily lives. It’s not about religion. Far away from that it’s about a relationship with our heavenly Father. Think about what your relationship with your loved ones. I’m sure no one there is being forced to love the other. It simply comes naturally. That’s how God wants our relationship to be with Him.

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