Prayer Changes Everything – Pastor Fernando Contreras

Pastor Fernando Contreras, Fernando Contreras, Pastor Fernando Contreras Predica, Pentecostal Preaching, Predica Pentecostal, Predica Cristiana, Revival, Avivamiento, Atlanta Church, Roswell GA Church

Good evening! I know it’s been a while now (eleven days to be exact) that I haven’t published a post. I apologize but I’m back and today I wanted to share this past Sunday’s preaching by Pastor Fernando Contreras. The preaching was about how prayer changes everything. Not some things, but everything. It’s an important message, and it’s God’s word encouraging us to continue praying.

Persistent prayer moves God to act in our favor. Pastor touched on the parable that Jesus gave His disciples in Luke 11. There was a friend that came by night to a friend’s house to ask for three loaves of bread. His friend initially rejected him because it was late and his children were sleeping. But the friend who needed the loaves of bread kept insisting. He persisted and kept asking until his friend had no other option but to oblige. Jesus wanted His disciples to understand that if we persist in prayer, God will answer.

I’ve always tried to hold on to one bit of advice. There’s a saying in Spanish that goes a bit like this; if you have no desire to follow God, do it, even if you have to pull your flesh. What does that mean? Sometimes we get discouraged and we want to throw in the towel. But that’s our flesh because the Bible says that the spirit is willing but the flesh isn’t. So when you feel discouraged, pull your flesh to follow God. It sounds silly, but sometimes you really have to do it. Picture you having to pull a body that simply does not want to go to church. That’s what it looks like.

I hope you enjoy this word from God and that it edifies you like it did with me. I’m thankful because for as long as the road has been, and all the troubles that have been endured, God has been faithful. You and I have made it this far because God’s love and grace has endured. We’ve come to far to go back. God isn’t pleased with those that go back to the world. So don’t give up! Your sin isn’t greater than God’s love for you and I. Keep praying and having faith that God will fulfill His promises. In the end the one thing we should latch unto is the fact that we can lack everything, but when we have Christ we already have it all.

Prayer Changes Everything – Pastor Fernando Contreras (5/19/19)

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