A New Opportunity

New Opportunity, Forgiveness, Starting Over

I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way. You wake up one morning and feel good. The prospect of a new beginning, a new day fills you with a sense of optimism and hope. Yesterday could have been bad. You might have sinned and done things you wish you hadn’t. But the rays of sunshine fill you with hope; a new beginning, a fresh start, a new opportunity.

The night is dark but in the morning the sun will shine. Whenever we wake up it’s a blessing from God. It’s God’s way of reminding us that we have a new opportunity. We’re all human. If you’re not, than that’s just a scary thought. But if you’re human like me, you know life isn’t always easy. There are setbacks. There are days that you simply do not want to keep going in life. But God wants to remind you and me that a new morning is His way of saying, “Here’s a new opportunity. Don’t give up, keep going.”

God is good. The fact that we wake up is Him showering us with His love and mercy. The sins from yesterday could have been reason enough for God not to give us life anymore. But He did. He remembered us. Picture God saying to Himself, “I have to wake up (insert your name here),” and boom, you wake up. When our eyes open it’s because God remembered us. How amazing it is to be in the mind of God; the creator of heaven and earth and all that we see.

Mornings are symbolic of a new beginning. It’s a fresh start. But if you’re saying to yourself, “I feel terrible right now and it’s only 6 o’clock in the evening, I can’t wait till tomorrow!” There’s good news. New beginnings, fresh starts, new opportunities are available at all times. The Bible says that as long as there is breath in our lungs, there is hope. You can receive a new opportunity at any time, any place, because the love of God is available at all hours.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

When Jesus was on the cross of cavalry His arms were outstretched. Some say this was symbolic of what Jesus came for. God’s arms are not crossed. His arms are wide open to receive you as His child. He wants to give you a new opportunity because He loves you. There’s a song that says, “His love never fails, it never gives up on me.” God’s love hasn’t failed us. It’s available to us today if we simply come to Him with a sincere heart. We don’t have to be afraid because His arms are wide open to receive us with love, grace, and mercy.

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