Keep Persevering

Keep Persevering, marathon, marathon runners

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. – Matthew 24:13

Our walk with Christ isn’t a sprint it’s more of a marathon. Any person running a sprint can get hurt, but they have a short distance to run. They exert all of their energy to get to the end goal. The sprint is fast and the runner makes it across in short time. That’s what a sprint is supposed to be. But our walk with Christ isn’t a sprint. It’s more of a marathon.

Marathons are long and draining. In these you don’t have to run the whole time. On the contrary you can slow down, catch your breath, and run when you’re ready. Sometimes you fall but it’s not the end. A marathon isn’t necessarily about making it first to the finish line. It’s about actually making it to the finish line.

That’s what our walk with Christ is like. Sometimes we start off fast like the videos of marathon runners just getting started. The shot is fired and everyone jolts out of the opening. But along the way there is a battle for everyone involved in the marathon. People start to slow down while other continue to run. Eventually those running also get tired and they too take a break. Others fall and get up while others suffer injuries that don’t allow them to continue.

Keep Persevering, marathon, marathon runner, marathon tired, tired from running, tired athlete

In all of this action each individual is running their own race. It’s not a race against the next person, it’s a race that you alone are running. That’s how our walk with Christ is. The Bible says to guard our salvation with fear and trembling. It doesn’t say to guard your neighbor’s salvation. I’m not implying that you shouldn’t worry about your neighbor, but the first individual that needs to be right with God is you and I.

Life like any marathon will present challenges. Sometimes we’ll get tired and we might slow down. Other times we might get discouraged and want to give up. But God calls us to persevere. The race isn’t over. In other cases we might encounter pitfall, moments where we stumble and fall. But the marathon is still going. The Bible says that when the just man falls, God lifts him up again.

Our walk with Christ isn’t a sprint, instead, it’s a marathon that we have to keep on running. No matter how many times you get tired or fall, don’t worry. Remember that reaching the finish line in first place isn’t the goal in a marathon. It’s about actually overcoming adversity and reaching that finish line that matters in the end.

Keep Persevering, marathon, marathon runner, marathon finish line, finish line, reaching finish line

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