A Living Hope in Jesus

Revival in Christ, Living Hope, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Living Hope Jesus, God, Resurrection, Bible, Revival, Christian Blog

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

– 1 Peter 1:3

The good news of the Gospel is that we have a living hope. Regardless of our circumstances we can look towards Jesus as a point of refuge. Like the ships that look for the security of a lighthouse in the midst of a thunderstorm, you and I can look towards Christ as our lighthouse. It doesn’t matter how strong the winds are blowing, or how deeps the waters rise, we can rest assured that we have a God that is above it all. God Himself created the heavens and the earth. The Bible says that with three fingers he established the stars in space. The most comforting evidence for the living hope that God provides us with is that more than 2,000 years ago He died on a cross but resurrected three days later.

Had Jesus never resurrected, where would our hope be? We could be living through turmoil but if Jesus had never conquered death, we would be living without hope. If Jesus had never conquered sin on the cross, we would have to miserably accept the lordship of sin over our lives. But, because Jesus rose we can be filled with hope. Hope that there is life after death. Hope that there is victory over death and sin. That’s what Jesus gives us. Hope for a better life and future.

The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, – Romans 5:20

Sin can have tragic effects on us all. Sometimes smaller sins can lead to bigger sins. And these sins can spread into our life and to the lives our family and loved ones. Sin has terrible consequences. It fills us with hopelessness and sadness. We feel an emptiness that is filled with guilt and shame. But the good news is that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. The Bible says that love covers a multitude of sins. That means no sin is too great for God to overcome. No matter how terrible your sin looks, God is waiting to embrace you with open arms.

The world will make you believe there is no hope for you. The devil’s job is to kill, steal, and destroy as stated in John 10:10. But no matter how much pressure you feel; pressure to quit, pressure to just give up, we have to remember that there is hope. This hope isn’t in material things, in mortal men, or in some fading philosophy. No. This is a hope that is living and available to us right now. It is the living hope in Jesus Christ that is given to all men and women who are willing to receive it. God doesn’t discriminate. God doesn’t see your gender, race, ethnicity, political beliefs, social status, age, or your condition. God is only seeking a willing heart.

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