God Continues to be Faithful

Revival in Christ, God faithful, God continues to be faithful, revival, avivamiento

God continues to be faithful. He does not change. The word says that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. People change. The times change. Seasons change. A couple weeks ago the sun was still causing us to break out in an uncomfortable sweat, but today it’s Fall and the cool air is causing some of us to turn our heaters on. Life is constantly changing. But do you want to know the good news? God doesn’t change.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. – Hebrews 13:8

God’s unchanging being is good news for us human beings. Not only is the world around us constantly changing, but we as individuals are changing too. We’re all changing in different ways. Physically, our hair grows daily. Some of us are getting taller (although I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting any taller myself). Our emotions are also changing. One day we might experience anger while another day might be full of joy and happiness. Our behavior can also change. Sometimes we make promises we end up not keeping. Life is full of challenges. But the good news is that God does not change.

Regardless of the changes we encounter in life, we have the comfort of knowing that God remains the same. The word says it Numbers 23. God isn’t like us. When God makes promises, He keeps them. This is amazing news considering how often we as individuals change. Try remembering a time when you promised God or someone else something and didn’t live up to it. Maybe you forgot or maybe you simply did not want to go through with your promise. Thankfully, God is not like this. Whatever God promises us, He’ll fulfill it.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? – Numbers 23:19

Look at today’s date and analyze your current state. I don’t know what you’re going through. Some of you might be healthy, while others might be experiencing an illness. Some of you might find yourself with abundant prosperity, while others might be scraping pennies to get by. I don’t know you’re situation. But what I do know is that God continues to be faithful. We have plenty of reasons to be grateful and plenty of reasons to be hopeful. God doesn’t change. Whatever He promised you yesterday is still in effect today.

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