Have you ever felt like you were dealing with your problems alone? I was feeling like that recently. I’m dealing with some personal problems and I was starting to fall into a discouraging state of mind. I’d go to church and I felt great. I felt great when I would pray but whenever I was alone, I’d get discouraged thinking about my problems. I felt like I was dealing with my problems alone. But that all changed with a word God gave me through my Pastor recently.
My Pastor was recently preaching on a Sunday and he said that our problems are God’s problems. It was like God was reminding me that I’m not alone on this. God is very much involved in my personal problems and He’s in control of it all. That brought me a lot of comfort. I felt peace and felt better about my problems. I knew that I was dealing with problems but I wasn’t alone. God is with me and He’s greater than my problems.
Just like God reminded me that I’m not dealing with my problems alone, that He’s actively involved in my personal life, God wants to tell you the same thing. You’re not alone. Those problems you’re dealing with are not yours to deal with by yourself. God is aware of your problems. He knows the pain and sadness you’re going through. He knows the challenges you’re facing and He wants you to know that He’s there with you. You are not alone.

We have to be reminded that God is greater than our problems. Sometimes we get intimidated by our problems. We look at them like the Israelite’s looked at Goliath; in fear. Imagine having a giant in your neighborhood, hurling insults and threats at you and your family. I don’t know about you, but if there was a fifteen-foot giant outside my house threatening me, I’d be pretty scared. But that’s where God wants to operate. He wants us to be like David when he dared to defy Goliath.
David could have been scared like the rest of the Israelite’s. Maybe he was scared, after all he was just human. But instead of allowing himself to focus on the negatives, he decided to look upward, at God. David knew who his God was and his faith was grounded in God. There could have been a hint of fear in David, but his faith and conviction propelled him to confront the intimidating giant and God gave him the victory.
God is aware of your problems. You don’t have to feel like you’re alone with little to no hope. God is conscious of what you’re going through and He cares about you. He’s a good Father that worries about His children. He wants to help you conquer your giants just like He helped David. Remember that our God does not change. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. And to add even more good news, the Bible says that His word is faithful. Whatever God promises, He fulfills.
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