Give Thanks in Everything

Revival in Christ, Thanksgiving 2019, Thanksgiving, Give Thanks in Everything, God's will, Christian Blog, Generation for God, Giving Thanks Scripture

It’s Thanksgiving day and it’s the time of the year when emphasis is placed on giving thanks. The Bible says to give thanks in everything. I sit and I reflect on how deep of a passage this is. Give thanks in everything. It’s implying that in every moment, circumstance, and situation, we should be giving thanks. It says that this is the will of God.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I don’t know where you find yourself on this day. I don’t know your problems or your circumstances. I know mine and I understand that none of us are perfect and that life is far from perfect. But regardless of our circumstances the Bible is calling us to give thanks in everything. In our happiness and joy it says to give thanks. In our sadness and sorrow it says to give thanks. The word calls us to be thankful in everything.

Revival in Christ, Thanksgiving 2019, Thanksgiving, Give Thanks in Everything, God's will, Christian Blog, Generation for God, Giving Thanks Scripture

Today is great day to reflect on God’s goodness and how far we’ve come. It’s always good to compare life to how it was before Christ. I think that’s one of the things that always amazes me because of how much my life has changed. Ten years ago I wasn’t in a church worshiping, praising, and praying to an unseen God. I didn’t live my daily life with God’s constant presence on my mind. Just think about how radical a change that is. We’re believing in an invisible God that we can’t see, but we know He’s real.

God is good all the time. That’s the common phrase and it’s true. There is no evil in God for the Bible says that His will is good, acceptable and perfect. Everything that God does is good and His plans for us are just as good. If you’re reading this than it’s only obvious that you’re alive and breathing. That alone is a tremendous blessing because what good would physical possessions be if we weren’t alive to enjoy them?

Today God has given us another day to enjoy with our loved ones. Let’s make the most of it. Above all let us not forget how good God is. May the reflection on His goodness and loving kindness lead us to give thanks to Him in everything. He’s a good Father and He has been to this very day. Times change and people change but God doesn’t change. He is always good, always loving, always merciful and for these very reasons He is worthy of all thanks. God bless you and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving day.

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