Reminders that Keep Us Going

Revival in Christ, God's promises, Promises from God, Promises, God's word, Word of Comfort, Encouraging Blog, Encouragement, This is Revival, Christian Blog

God is good all the time. I don’t know about you but sometimes I have my low moments. Some days are harder than others and I find myself struggling to stay positive. I think we all go through situations like these. Life is full of peaks and valleys and although peaks feel great, the valleys can be overwhelming. As believers, however, we have great news. We are not alone.

Yesterday we had our Sunday service and I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been going through a slump. It’s not easy because when you’re going through a slump, things seem hopeless at times. It’s hard to see the light when you find yourself in a hole. But as I heard my Pastor’s preaching I felt reinvigorated. God’s word has power. The more I listened to the word, the more I rejoiced. Sometimes we forget about God’s goodness. We forget about how great He is and we allow our problems to consume us.

That’s how I felt prior to church. I felt consumed with problems. I looked at my problems and they looked big. But I was forgetting about how much bigger God is. As I reflected on my feelings I realized that that’s how I used to feel when I didn’t know about God. I would feel alone and weak. If now I know about God, there’s no way I should be feeling this way. Unfortunately, I didn’t take care of my spiritual life and I was falling into the trap.

Jesus said He would be with us all the days of our lives. The word also says that God doesn’t change and that He remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. These truths should comfort us especially when we’re experiencing hardship. It might be easy to rejoice on sunny days, but we should also rejoice on rainy days. God’s word doesn’t change. Times change, problems come and go, and people change, but God doesn’t change.

I’m grateful to for His mercy and reminders of how much He loves us. I always remember the word that as long as we have breath, there is hope. We can’t live life with our own strength. When we try to deal with things by ourselves we quickly find out how weak we really are. Our strength runs out quick, but when we depend on God He becomes our constant, unwavering strength. God helps us along the way. As believers we have the comfort of knowing that we are not along and that God goes before us like a mighty giant.

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