Simply Focusing on God

Everyday is a new opportunity given to us by God. It’s the sign of God’s mercy and grace. None of us are perfect and none of us lead perfect lives. Some days are better than others. But it’s important to remember how blessed we are. The thing I love most about God is how He gives us hope and how this hope goes against everything the world tells us. You could be experiencing hardship and the world will tell you to accept defeat. Sickness can overtake your life and the world will tell you to accept its consequences. But God doesn’t want us to live that way.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. – Matthew 6:10

When Jesus gave His disciples a model of prayer it included this following passage, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Jesus told us to pray to God for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Revelation 21:4 gives us a glimpse of what heaven will be like:

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. – Revelation 21:4

If God is telling us that in heaven there is no death, sadness, crying, and pain, then this is His will for us here on earth. I’m reminded about the word calling us foreigners on earth. We’re not of this world even though we live in it. We’re foreigners from a different kingdom and in our kingdom there is no sadness, pain, or suffering. God’s will is for His kingdom to manifest itself here on earth.

That brings me to the importance of declaring the word. I remember several years ago when I was new to the faith and something was bothering me. This situation at work had instilled a lot of fear in me. It never amounted to anything and it’s probably laughable looking back, but I was scared during that time. I was even scared about praying about it out loud because I felt like the devil would hear me and would make things worse. That sounds embarrassing looking back, but hey, that really happened!

One day I went out to eat with a friend. I opened up to him about feeling scared, although I didn’t go into detail. He encouraged me to pray about it out loud. I did just that when I got home and began to open up my heart to God. I prayed and I told Him exactly how I felt. As soon as I finished I remember feeling a peace come over me. The fear was gone. It was amazing and I couldn’t believe how God had done that.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. – Proverbs 18:21

My point is that we have to declare the word. Sometimes we don’t want to pray, but that’s where the enemy takes advantage. We have to remember who we are in God and declare a word of life over us, our family, and every aspect of our life. Even if our eyes don’t see it, we have to declare God’s kingdom on earth. Our words have power and we can speak things into existence. Some things may take time, others may not happen, but nothing should ever take away our faith in God. God is good and His will will always be better than ours.


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