Hopeful for The Future

Revival in Christ, hopeful, christian blog, future, good plans, God's plan, Revival, Avivamiento

Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a quick moment to say hello to everyone and to thank every guest here on Revival in Christ. Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit this website. Revival in Christ is near and dear to my heart because it’s something that came to me at a time when I wanted to do something for God. I remember wanting to do something for God and I said to myself, “Why not use the internet?” So that’s when Revival in Christ was born around September 2013.

Revival in Christ, christian blog, Gospel, preaching, Jesus Christ
First graphic I made for Revival in Christ on September 10, 2013

Shortly afterwards, however, I hit a tough spot in my walk with God and I put the platform on the back burner. It wasn’t something I thought about as I was dealing with personal issues. It wasn’t until December 2017 where I decided to make an official website. That’s when I started to work on the platform in earnest. Since then I’ve seen highs and lows on this journey to make Revival in Christ a platform to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That’s all I ever envisioned with this platform. I wanted to make an impact for Christ. I always think, that if this platform reaches at least one soul, I’m satisfied. It hasn’t been an easy ride especially when I consider the real life issues I deal with. I don’t want to go in depth, but believe me when I say it hasn’t been as easy walk. But thankfully, God has been good and He continues to be good.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. – Jeremiah 29:11

I’m hopeful for the future and optimistic on what’s to come. God’s word says that He has good plans for us, to prosper us and give us an expected end. Faith is what allows us to believe in this promise. And that’s why I continue to walk. Not because I’m perfect or because I’m a super Christian. But, because God is good and He’s never given up on me. He hasn’t given up on you either and His love for us hasn’t changed one bit. Think back on these past few years and consider everything that has changed. I’m sure a lot of things have changed in your life.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. – Hebrews 13:8

Even though life is always changing for good or bad, God continues to be the same God of today, yesterday, and forever. That also means that His love for you continues to love exactly the same way it used to be in the beginning. Circumstances change, people change, but God never changes.

Up until this point God has been good. Perhaps life isn’t what you envisioned it or maybe you’re living your best life. Regardless of the circumstances, don’t stop believing in God. God is faithful and I’m thankful because even though I’ve fallen, He’s always there to lift me up and give me another opportunity. I don’t ever want to abuse His grace and mercy, but I’m thankful that I’m still alive today.

I want to say thank you to everyone that has subscribed to the platform through e-mail, WordPress, or on any of our social media outlets. I also want to thank those that maybe aren’t subscribed in one way or another, but have come across this site and have read one of my blog posts. I hope that Revival in Christ can be a blessing to every visitor. God is good and He will fulfill His promises in us.

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. – Luke 18:27

Thank you again! Remember that you can stay connected by following us on Instagram and Facebook. You can also support the platform by clicking here. Until next time, God bless you!