Only God’s Love Can Bring Unity

Revival in Christ, George Floyd, ANTIFA, Riots, Protests, Disorder, God's Love, Agape Love, Agape, Unity, God Brings Unity, Jesus Christ, Christian Revival, Revival, Revolution Youth, Palabra De Fe, Word Of Faith, Atlanta, Georgia Church, Gilberto Torres Jr, Junior Torres 720

The killing of George Floyd is a tragedy that has sparked protests and riots across America and other parts of the world. Thousands have gathered together to denounce police brutality and racism. But without delving into the politics of all this and the violence, to avoid dividing up the reader, I want to focus on one thing. In the midst of this turmoil it is clear that the world needs a solution and His name is Jesus.

Revival in Christ, George Floyd, ANTIFA, Riots, Protests, Disorder, God's Love, Agape Love, Agape, Unity, God Brings Unity, Jesus Christ, Christian Revival, Revival, Revolution Youth, Palabra De Fe, Word Of Faith, Atlanta, Georgia Church

The answer to all of our problems lies in one name; Jesus Christ. I was hearing a short clip of a Martin Luther King Jr. speech and he spoke about the different types of love; Eros, Philia, and Agape. Eros is a romantic love that is seen among couples. Philia is an affectionate love that is experienced through friendship and things of that nature. Agape, however, is the ultimate form of love.

Agape is what people refer to God’s love. It is an unconditional love that does not ask for anything in return. It is the type of love that our world desperately needs today. Tensions are high and everyone feels passionately about their views. The only one who can bring us together is God. God demonstrated His agape love for us more than 2,000 years ago on the cross.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

God’s love was publicly crucified on the cross. He didn’t see color, race, nationality, physical appearance, or material wealth. All Jesus saw was the love He had for humanity. A love so great that He was willing to go through the pain and suffering of the cross. They turned their back on Him, they criticized Him, and physically attacked Him and all Jesus said was, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

These are turbulent times. The world is divided and emotions are running high. In the end, political leaders won’t be able to unite us because love can’t be legislated. The world has a heart problem and the only one who can heal us and bring us together is God’s love. God is love and today He offers us the free gift of forgiveness of sins and salvation.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. – Romans 10:9-10

Unity & Revival (Revolution Youth)

Last Tuesday some of us in Revolution Youth at Word of Faith got together to discuss the current events. It was a great night and I wanted to leave you guys with the full video below. It’s mostly in Spanish. Our next one will be more bilingual. I hope you enjoy and God bless.

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Thanks for reading. I hope this post was a blessing to your life. If it was, please consider sharing it with others. Stay connected with Revival in Christ by following us on Instagram and Facebook. You can also follow our Youth Ministry on Instagram and Facebook. Until next time, God bless you!