Jesus is The Answer in These Turbulent Times

Revival in Christ, Jesus is the answer, Turbulent Times, last days, end times, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, Wake Up, Wake Up America, christian revival, revival, protests, riots, George Floyd, Police Brutality, Defund the Police, Police Reform

Do you remember New Year’s Eve? I remember celebrating the new year with family less than eight months ago. Smiles, laughter, and good memories were made that night. I also remember the optimism and hope I had looking towards 2020. But 2020 has turned out to be the opposite of what many of us expected. The Coronavirus pandemic has taken over much of the year and the death of George Floyd has sparked civil unrest. But in the midst of these turbulent times, Jesus continues to be the answer to our woes.

Now, more than ever, the world needs Jesus. The world is engulfed in chaos and the overreaching hand of government continues to encroach upon our liberty. Government is growing at a rapid pace in response to the virus. A “New Normal” is what is being presented to us and it feels more like an introduction to the New World Order. Doing away with cash is picking up steam, the need to wear a mask wherever you go is being implemented in various cities and states, and plans for a miraculous vaccine is still being worked on.

COVID-19 Results in Harsh Restrictions on Personal Freedom

All of this should be worrisome to us. Imagine a world where you can’t work unless you have the COVID-19 vaccine. If that sounds far-fetched, just look at how businesses are operating today under the rule that you can’t enter unless you have a mask. We’re truly living in dangerous times. Even the church is being impacted as states like California have once again banned congregating and have gone as far as banning singing in church services. What kind of world are we living in? It’s clear that the world as we know it is changing right before our eyes.

Racial Tensions Lead to Civil Unrest

Civil unrest has also been unleashed after the horrible killing of George Floyd. Racial tensions have flared up since that tragic incident and police departments have been singled out and generalized as evil and corrupt. There has been talk of defunding police departments and certain cities that have implemented such measures, have seen an increase in crime. Today it is not out of this world to see cops being attacked without any repercussions for the violent offenders. Political leaders have given rise to this turmoil and peaceful people will be the ones, and are the ones, who will suffer the consequences.

The World is Changing, But Jesus Remains the Answer

The world is changing before our eyes. 2020 will go down as a tipping point in history. And for us believers it’s a worrisome time but also a stark reminder that we must remain focused on Jesus. Even if you’re not a believer, today is the day to become one. Jesus never rejects anyone that comes to Him with a sincere heart. God is always willing to receive you just like the father of the prodigal son was willing to receive his son.

These are turbulent times indeed. And believe me when I say, I worry too. I’m human just like anyone else, but I want to remind you that Jesus is the answer to our problems. Even in the midst of the storm, Jesus is the calm that our soul desperately desires. We all want comfort in these times and only God can provide that. In the desert, God provides and God saves. I want to encourage you to place your trust in Christ alone. He’ll never fail you and He will always be the answer to our problems.

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