Power in Prayer

Revival in Christ, power in prayer, prayer, pray to God, talking with God, church of God, body of Christ, perilous times, dark times, covid 19, coronavirus, pandemic, christian revival, christian blog, palabra de fe, word of faith, revolution youth, gilberto torres jr

Yesterday night I had the privilege of being able to take part in a prayer with my church’s youth staff; Revolution Youth. It’s easy to be consumed with everything that’s going on around us. The difficult times the world is experiencing can quickly fill us with stress and fear. But yesterday’s prayer was a reminder that we have to stay connected with God in prayer. There is power in prayer and God is still listening to His people’s cry.

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. – Jeremiah 33:3

Prayer is the most simplest and yet the most powerful thing we can do. Simple in the sense that we can practice prayer just as easily as talking with our friend. Powerful because through prayer God works miracles. I remember when I first started praying. I didn’t know how to pray and I stumbled on my words quite a few times. But then I realized that God isn’t looking for eloquent words. He’s looking to converse with His people.

You can pray as easily as talking to your friend or family member. That’s how God wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to approach Him with trust to open up to Him about everything we’re feeling. I remember one day I was trying to pray in a nice orderly fashion, but then I broke down and just told God how I really felt. I came out of that prayer feeling great. Praying is conversing with God.

Today God wants us to call out to Him. These are perilous times and the enemy is trying to keep us silent. Remember that our warfare isn’t against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. We can’t afford to stay silent in these times. God has placed a power in us that cannot and should not be hidden. People ask, “Where is God?” Well God has sealed us with His Holy Spirit to be His ambassadors on earth. We are His instruments.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. – Ephesians 6:12

There is power in prayer. Sometimes we have to go back to where it all started; a simple prayer. Do you remember how you prayed in your time of affliction? Do you remember how you first started calling out to God when you needed help? We have to place our worries in God’s hands. Today’s times can be unsettling, but we have to remember that our God is greater. Different times have come and gone, but our God remains the same.

There are moments when we feel powerless. The constant negativity being poured out on the news troubles us and fills us with fear. I’ve had a few moments where fear crept in to my life during these times. But we can’t allow fear to overwhelm us. We’re the church and our Father is King. We have to stand up and cry out to God in prayer. We have to believe that God is with us, because He is.

My Pastor said, “Prayer is the most effective weapon we have.” No matter how effective guns and political protest can be, they are not going to win us this war. The only one who can give us the victory in life is God. We have to stop being silent, myself included. We have to take a stand and be who God called us to be; light in the darkness. There is power in prayer and God wants us to call out to Him. God wants us to trust Him as His will is fulfilled.

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