Good afternoon reader! I hope you’re having a blessed Sunday. I wanted to write about the need to focus on Jesus even when storms are raging on around us. Most of us have experienced bad storms in our lives. I remember a few of them that left me fearful of a tornado forming. The rain is pouring, the winds make it harder to see, the lightning illuminates the night, and the thunder echoes throughout the rainy night. It can be a nerve wracking moment at times and our sense of security feels threatened. That’s how personal storms often feel like. They shake the foundations of our faith and leave us feeling vulnerable. But even though the storm seems mighty, we have to remember that our God is mightier.
One night Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a storm while they were out in the sea far away from land. The Bible says that the boat was battered by the waves and the wind was contrary. Suddenly, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea and they were terrified. They thought it was a ghost at first. But Jesus spoke to them and said the following;
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” – Matthew 14:27
These encouraging words reached the heart of Peter and he responded with the following; “Peter responded and said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water” (Matthew 14:28). In the midst of a storm Peter knew that if this was truly Jesus, he had nothing to fear. Jesus said, “come,” and Peter got off the boat and started walking towards Jesus. Peter’s unwavering faith when he heard the voice of Jesus should inject us with the same faith whenever we hear the word of God. The Bible says that God doesn’t change. He’s the same today, from yesterday, and forever.
Peter’s bold act that night should encourage us to remain focused on Jesus. Distractions are inevitable and so are storms. We live in an imperfect world so you’re bound to run into problems if you haven’t already. But that should discourage us or make cower in fear. On the contrary it should push us towards seeking more of God. This can be done by reading His word (the Bible), praying, fasting, and attending church. It doesn’t matter if you feel like the worst sinner in the world. God can and has transformed people worse than you and me. The important part is to focus on Jesus. Everything else will fall into place like a domino effect. You don’t have to trust the process, you simply have to trust Him.

Even though the disciples found themselves in a scary situation that night, Peter’s faith came into action when he heard the voice of Jesus. Our faith should activated too when we hear the word of God. God is still speaking even 2,000 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. If God hasn’t changed, then we too should be filled with the same boldness that Peter had that night. The Bible says that His sheep hear His voice. Peter heard the Shepherd’s voice utter, “come,” and He got off the boat and started walking towards the Master.
Peter did the unthinkable that night, but there was something detrimental that happened as he walked on water. He started looking around him and began to focus on the storm. Peter took his eyes off Jesus and instead focused his sights on the storm raging around him. He began to focus on the strong winds. He quickly realized that he was walking on water in the middle of a storm and as doubt set in, he fell into the water. This happens to us to when we lose sight of Jesus and began to focus on the problems surrounding us instead. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus. Even though Peter lost focus that night, God’s mercy still reached him.
But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out with His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” – Matthew 14:30-31
Jesus was still willing to help Peter even though Peter had let doubt enter his heart. The same is true of God today. Just like He extended His arm that night to lift Peter out of the waters, He extends His arm today to lift us out of our own problems. The God of the Bible hasn’t changed. He is the same today, from yesterday, and forever. No matter how much you doubt Him or how sinful you feel, His grace and mercy is still available to all those who call on Him. If you find yourself in a tough spot in life, take courage and know that God loves you. He still believes in you and is willing to help you in life.
Everything that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I certainly will not cast out. – John 6:37

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