Back to Say that God is Good

Revival in Christ, God is good, Christian Blog, Christian Blogger, Christianity, Jesus is Lord, Palabra de Fe Atlanta, Word of Faith, Gilberto Torres Jr, Junior Torres
Revival in Christ, spongebob, spongebob fish waving, spongebob fish, christian blog

This is how I feel coming back to writing for Revival in Christ. It’s been a while but Revival in Christ is a project that I’ve always wanted to focus on and it’s special to me. God put this idea in my heart early on in my Christian walk. It’s hard to share content when you’re not spiritually healthy. Granted, I’ve written posts in the past when I’ve felt down, but for the most part I was always making an effort to seek God. This time around, however, I let myself go. I stopped going to church, reading my Bible, and praying. I completely disconnected myself from God and began to live like I used to. I was going about my day and suddenly realized, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m living life like this.” On the outside I felt okay. Nothing too crazy was happening. But deep down I felt a void. I knew God was missing from my life.

I’m grateful for the friends that reached out to me during these past several months. It sucks that I may come off as an ungrateful friend, but I’m grateful for the people that encouraged me to get up again. Eventually the emptiness you feel takes its toll on you. I wasn’t depending on God for comfort anymore. So the stress of life, worries, and frustrations all mounted up. I felt empty but for some reason, uninterested to seek God for help. It’s weird to say because I’ve had discouragements in the past, but with God’s help, I always tried to stay close to Him, This time around, I felt indifferent and just went about life living with this void.

I had a lot of things on my mind and I guess I was trying to run away from it all. My solution was definitely not the right solution, but I felt overwhelmed and wanted to hide from it all. I felt drained. Personal worries coupled with the things that are going on around the world, really had me feeling discouraged and afraid. I didn’t want to deal with it but I also wasn’t happy living the way I was. I knew what God had done for me in the past. I knew that He was bigger than my problems. But I was in a hole and couldn’t muster up the strength to climb out.

Once again I go back to the friends that were encouraging me through this time. I’m really grateful for their lives and I know God has been good to me to allow me to have these people in my life. I’m not deserving of it, but I just want to get back up. I want to continue seeking God and doing His work. I know that my life means little if I don’t do something for God. The greatest thing I can do is be involved in God’s work. That’s what I want to do. Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to help people. The most significant way I can help others is by sharing the Gospel. The same Gospel that saved me and has completely changed my life. Through ups and downs God has shown me so much mercy and for that I’m grateful.

I hope that Revival in Christ can be an inspiration to others. I hope that others can come to know Christ and His redeeming power through the content that’s published here. Not because I’m someone significant, but because He is. My Pastor says that the donkey that Jesus mounted on his grand entrance to Jerusalem was excited when everyone received him with so much praise. Little did this donkey know that it wasn’t him who the people were praising, it was Jesus that was mounted on top of him. I hate to say it, but I guess I’m that donkey. I just want people to know that Jesus is good and that He really does love us.

Revival in Christ, Jesus on donkey, Jesus riding donkey, jerusalem entrance, Jesus enters Jerusalem, Christian Blog, blogger, christian blogger, revival, palabra de fe, word of faith, palabra de fe atlanta

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