God Always Arrives on Time

Revival in Christ, Patience, Believe in God, Glory of God, God is always on time, Christian Blog, Christian Blogger, Christian Revival, This is Revival

Good evening everyone. It’s getting late out here on this beautiful Sunday but I wanted to share a quick word with you. God always arrives on time. You know a lot of times we don’t understand why things happen or are happening. “Why am I going through this situation?” I think we all go through this. Like Rocky said, “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.” Life throws curve balls at us that we don’t often times see coming. But in the end, God continues to be in control. After all, He’s a sovereign God that works outside of this world’s framework. He’s not limited by time or the logic of this world. He operates as a sovereign entity and is always in control.

God is sovereign and that’s good news for every one of us. The world has its own logic that it operates in. If you’re sick, well, you’re sick and things might stay that way and pills and doctors may or may not help. If you’re depressed it’s the same story. One way or another your outlook is bleak and any chances of improvement reside with doctors or some sort of medical treatment. For us Christians, however, the outlook is a whole lot more optimistic. We know that doctors and pills aren’t in control of our lives. The One who has the final word in our lives is none other than God Himself..

God isn’t limited by the world’s logic. He operates in His own sovereignty. That’s why when doctors give us bad news, we don’t need to feel like it’s the end of the world. When family or friends give us bad news, we don’t need to fall into depression. God is in control and the Bible says that everything we go through works together for our good. God is always operating in our favor even when we don’t understand why things are happening.

Lazarus was good friends with Jesus and one day Jesus got the news that his good friend has passed away. But Jesus didn’t fret. He was saddened, but remained calm. He was in control. It says that two days had gone by before Jesus decided to make His way to Judaea. When He arrived the townspeople were in distress and Lazarus’ family in agony. But Jesus knew that this was the moment in which His glory would manifest. When Lazarus’ sister Martha objected to removing the rock off the grave, Jesus said, “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?”

Jesus resurrected Lazarus and the people who witnessed the miracle were left in astonishment and great joy. God had arrived in time. Once could question Jesus’ motives for waiting four days before doing anything. Some could call Him callous and cold. But we need to understand that God was always in control. There was not a single detail that was out of God’s control. He witnessed Martha and Mary’s suffering. He saw the tears of the townspeople. But He never panicked. God was always in control of the situation and was eager to demonstrate His glory.

It doesn’t matter what you’re going through at this moment. Life isn’t always easy, but God is on your side. That’s the beauty of God. The Creator of the heavens and earth is on our side. Imagine if God was a benevolent God that was out to smite us the minute we messed up. That would be terrible! But God isn’t like that. It says that God has plans for us, plans of us peace and not of evil, to give us an expected end. We should feel comforted in knowing that God cares about us so much that He’s got good plans for us.

No matter what we go through in life, we have to maintain our faith in knowing that God is on our side. Whatever we go through, it’s working for our good and God always arrives on time. He’s never early and He’s never late. Whatever situation you’re experiencing that you’ve been asking God to do something about, don’t worry, He’s going to arrive just on time. A lot of times God is just molding our faith and helping is depend on Him even more. When He shows up, you’ll realize how good He is and that God never fails.

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